Attention Visual Artists!
Free Gallery Space
Open Call
Looking for Painters/Sculptors/Designers willing to display their work in a store window on Broadway in Downtown Newport, Rhode Island.
Broadway is a main street by which tourists from all over the world enter this city by the sea. Hundreds of thousands of people walk and drive by this display space every year.
The Annex is a full service comic book, book and video store located at 314 Broadway, diagonally across from the Newport Hospital.
Offered is an approximately 6 feet wide by 7 feet tall by 3 feet deep window setting for artwork. Artwork should preferably be bold and strikingly visible at a distance.
For further information and to make submissions please contact Wayne Quackenbush at (401) 847-4607 or email:[email protected]
Free Gallery Space
Open Call
Looking for Painters/Sculptors/Designers willing to display their work in a store window on Broadway in Downtown Newport, Rhode Island.
Broadway is a main street by which tourists from all over the world enter this city by the sea. Hundreds of thousands of people walk and drive by this display space every year.
The Annex is a full service comic book, book and video store located at 314 Broadway, diagonally across from the Newport Hospital.
Offered is an approximately 6 feet wide by 7 feet tall by 3 feet deep window setting for artwork. Artwork should preferably be bold and strikingly visible at a distance.
For further information and to make submissions please contact Wayne Quackenbush at (401) 847-4607 or email:[email protected]